Prepare for Your Behind-the-Wheel Drive Test Don’t be nervous. DMV wants you to pass your test.If you miss a question, the field office employee can tell you on which page to find the correct answer. Remember, all the test questions are taken from the handbook.Don’t overthink it there are no “trick questions.” There will be one correct answer and the other two answer choices will be either obviously wrong or not appropriate for the question asked. It contains a lot of important information, so give yourself a few days to get through it. Review the California Driver’s Handbook.Here are a few suggestions for studying for your knowledge test(s): In most cases, you are required to pass knowledge tests showing that you understand traffic laws and safety before you can get an instruction permit or DL. We put together these resources to help you prepare for these tests.

Before you can get a DL in California, you’ll need to pass relevant knowledge and drive tests to show that you understand the rules of the road and are comfortable driving the vehicle that the license will allow you to drive.